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Как правильно есть Нойну (фрукт Таиланда)

Не зрелое яблочко...

Фрукт. Нойна

Нойна или сахарное яблоко / Noin or sugar apple

Мякоть спелых плодов Noi Na съедобна. По консистенции очень похожа на яблочное пюре. Шкурка, как и косточки...


Сахарное яблоко

Сахарное яблоко

Са́харное я́блоко, или Анно́на чешу́йчатая — плодовое дерево, вид рода Аннона семейства Анноновые.

Источник: Freebase .


Sugar Apple Tree 8 Seeds - Annona squamosa - Bonsai

9 новый от $2,49
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от 24.08.2020 16:21

Product Description

Annona squamosa. A small (2-4"), knobby fruit with soft, creamy, white flesh often having a minty or custardy flavor. The sugar apple is extremely popular throughout the tropics. Usually eaten fresh or used to make beverages and shakes.This small, deciduous tree grows to 15-25 ft, spreading to the same size. Leaves are 6-8" long. Endures temperatures plunging to 27 F and generally adapts well to a variety of soil types. Sugar apples make excellent container specimens. Flowers appear with new leaf growth in early spring. Fruits ripen 3-4 months later throughout summer and fall. In cooler regions, it makes a great patio or house plant. Also a fantastic bonsai! Propagation: By seed, which will come to bearing age in just 2-3 years.

30 Seeds Noy Nah, Jumbo Annona, Giant Sugar Apple

1 новый от $2,99
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от 24.08.2020 16:21


  • 30 Seeds Noy Nah, Jumbo Annona, Giant Sugar Apple
  • Easy to grow
  • Shipment from Thailand

Product Description

Sugar-apple is high in energy, an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese, a good source of thiamine and vitamin B6, and provides vitamin B2, B3 B5, B9, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium in fair quantities


5 новый от $4,98
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от 24.08.2020 16:21


  • Min.Qty : 10 seeds
  • Purity : 98%
  • Product : Thai seed

Product Description

CUSTARD APPLE SUGAR APPLE Custard Apple 10 Seeds Annona Reticulata Tropical Fruiting Plant Custard Apple Seeds Annona Retculata. Custard Apple is a tropical fruit that is grown primarily in hot, humid climates of the tropics. The Custard Apple is considered one of the great tasting fruits in the world, makes an excellent dessert,is a fast-growing small tree, producing fruit from seed in 2-3 years. The juice of its fruits has a unique sweet taste and is highly prized for refreshing drinks and for flavoring sherbets. In addition to being tasty and refreshing, the fruit is good for you. The leaves are very ornamental and make interesting tropical plants. So if you're looking for something different to add to your greenhouse, conservatory, bright sun window.

Special Annona Squamosa - Sugar Apple - Rare Tropical Plant Tree Seeds (10 Seeds)

5 новый от $3,00
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от 24.08.2020 16:21


  • You are purchasing 10 of these rare seeds: Annona Squamosa - Sugar Apple
  • This small, semi-deciduous small tree is very similar to the soursop. Its fruit--known as the sugar apple, sweetsop or custard apple--has a delicious, sweet white pulp and is very popular in its native, tropical markets.
  • Originally from the tropical Americas, this subtropical/tropical specimen is adorned with greenish-yellow flowers in spring and early summer. Its fruit is an excellent source of Vitamin C, manganese, thiamin, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and various B vitamins.

Seeds and Things Sugar Apple Tree 8+ Seeds - Annona Squamosa - Bonsai

2 новый от $66,00
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от 24.08.2020 16:21


  • Delicious sweet fruit.
  • Produce fruit in a year or so.
  • Great for container.
  • Very rare

Product Description

Annona squamosa. A small (2-4"), knobby fruit with soft, creamy, white flesh often having a minty or custardy flavor. The sugar apple is extremely popular throughout the tropics. Usually eaten fresh or used to make beverages and shakes. This small, deciduous tree grows to 15-25 ft, spreading to the same size. Leaves are 6-8" long. Endures temperatures plunging to 27 F and generally adapts well to a variety of soil types. Sugar apples make excellent container specimens. Flowers appear with new leaf growth in early spring. Fruits ripen 3-4 months later throughout summer and fall. In cooler regions, it makes a great patio or house plant. Also a fantastic bonsai! Propagation: By seed, which will come to bearing age in just 2-3 years.

Сахарное яблоко

Сахарное яблоко (Нойна)
